Value of alpha-1-antitrypsin and thrombocytes in the assessment of inflammatory activity in Crohn disease
Tromm, A.; Hüppe, D.; Straub, H.; Krieg, M.; May, B.
Medizinische Klinik 87(2): 53-57
ISSN/ISBN: 0723-5003 PMID: 1542282 Document Number: 396301
In 40 patients with Crohn's disease the subsequent parameters were determined in relation to the endoscopic features (group A: no or slight activity respectively [n = 26]; group B: severe inflammation of the mucosa [n = 14]; group C: patients of group B after four-weeks treatment): Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI), van Hees activity index (VHAI), C-reactive protein (CRP), ESR (erythrocytic sedimentation rate), albumin, hematocrit, platelets, alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT), antithrombin III, fibrinogen, clotting factors V and VIII. The hemostaseological tests were compared to the data of 16 healthy controls. The results showed significant differences regarding the mean values of CRP, ESR, albumin, CDAI, VHAI, platelets and A1AT between group A, B and C. No influence of localization or duration of the disease, age or sex could be shown by multivariate analysis. The highest test efficacy to discriminate between patients of group A and B was determined for VHAI (81.1%) and alpha-1-antitrypsin (78.4%). CDAI, platelet count, ESR (each 75.7%), CRP (70.3%) and hematocrit were less efficient. Levels of fibrinogen (59.4%) and clotting factors V (59.4%) and VIII (64.8%) were much less important. In conclusion A1AT and platelet count should be regarded as helpful tests in the evaluation of the inflammatory activity in Crohn's disease.