Listeriosis and AIDS: case report and literature review
da Silva, L.J.; Resende, M.R.; de Abreu, W.B.; Aoki, F.H.; Bocatto, R.B.; Branchinni, M.L.; Gonçales Juńior, F.L.; de Lima, J.N.; von Nowakonski, A.; Papaiordanou, P.M.
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo 34(5): 475-478
ISSN/ISBN: 0036-4665 PMID: 1342113 Document Number: 395968
Listeriosis is a not uncommon infection in humans, usually associated with immunodeficient states and with newborns. However, relatively few cases have been reported in HIV-infected patients. This scarcity of reported cases has aroused interest in the association of listeriosis and AIDS. In this paper we present a case of meningitis and septicemia caused by Listeria monocytogenes in a female patient with AIDS. A review of recent medical literature indicates that association of listeriosis and AIDS may be more common than it seems. Recent research in host-parasite interaction in listerial infection suggests an important role for tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and for integralin, a bacterial protein, in modulating listerial disease in AIDS patients. Inadequate diagnosis may be in part responsible for the scarcity of reports.