Eduard Arnold Martin (1809-1875) --founder of the Berlin Gynecologic Society. A contribution to the history of the Berlin Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. II
Ebert, A.; David, M.; Martin, E.A.
Zentralblatt für Gynakologie 114(3): 143-148
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-4197 PMID: 1595310 Document Number: 395741
In 1844 the society of obstetrics in Berlin was founded by Carl Mayer (1795-1868). In 1873 this society splits in the society of obstetrics and the society of gynaecology. The present paper demonstrate the biography of Eduard Arnold Martin (1809-1875), the founder of the gynaecological society in Berlin (1873) and also his importance in the creation of an modern gynaecology.
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