Results of field work in the detection of tuberculosis in children and adolescents of rural areas of Uzbekistan

Rakhimov, A.K.; Zakharova, R.N.

Problemy Tuberkuleza 1992(1-2): 21-22


ISSN/ISBN: 0032-9533
PMID: 1534902
Document Number: 395232
The materials of a combined examination of 72,348 children and adolescents of two rural areas during field work are presented. Reversion to tuberculin tests was found in 2,837 (3.7%) of the children. The hyperergic reaction to tuberculin had 2,994 (3.9%) of those being examined. The postvaccination reaction was absent in 18.8% of the young children, in 39.1% a postvaccination cicatrix was of small size (2-3 cm long). As a result, measures were taken aimed at health improvement and treatment of sick and infected children.

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