Management information systems in maternal and child health/family planning programs: a multi-country analysis
Keller, A.
Studies in Family Planning 22(1): 19-30
ISSN/ISBN: 0039-3665 PMID: 2038755 DOI: 10.2307/1966516Document Number: 381709
A diagnosis was conducted of management information systems (MIS) for maternal and child health and family planning programs in 27 African, 5 Asian, and 8 Latin American and Caribbean countries. The diagnosis covered the collection and use of information on physical infrastructure, human resources, equipment/supplies, services provided, coverage attained, and program quality and impact. It was found that many programs do not produce certain basic input and output indicators and that even among those that do, information is too infrequently brought to bear on management decision-making. Constraints under which the MIS operate in these countries are identified, and some rudimentary calculations of what would be required to improve MIS functioning are made.