Rural women: decision-making, public participation and other basic needs: a study of two South Indian villages

Charyulu, U.V.N.; Reddy, G.N.

Indian Journal of Social Work 47(4): 407-415


ISSN/ISBN: 0019-5634
Document Number: 380935
This study of women in South Indian villages, one in Karnataka and the other in Andhra Pradesh, analyses their opinions on decisionmaking, social participation, and other basic needs. The major findings are that: (1) the lack of basic needs of the women in the backward village were greater than those in the developed village; (2) there is an increasing awareness of the need for better education health and hygiene and the explorative and suppressive nature of the system; (3) there is a very strong dependent mentality among rural women: they actually prefer to depend on men in several aspects of home and social life, but also have a strong desire to participate in public activities and gain equal status. It is recommended that efforts to emancipate women should be directed towards organizing, building awareness and collective action, in order to achieve real changes in the status and role of rural women.

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