Routine prothrombin time determination before elective gynecologic operations
Aghajanian, A.; Grimes, D.A.
Obstetrics and Gynecology 78(5 Part 1): 837-839
ISSN/ISBN: 0029-7844 PMID: 1923209 Document Number: 380501
The prothrombin time (PT) test is routinely ordered to identify unsuspected bleeding disorders in patients before elective operations. We evaluated the usefulness of screening PT tests before elective gynecologic operations over a 6-month period at Women's Hospital in Los Angeles, California. Of 1546 patients, 1516 (98.1%) had normal test results. Charts of 25 of the 30 patients with abnormal values were available for review: 20 did not benefit from the test results, and five had indications for coagulation testing on history or physical examination. In the absence of specific indications, routine preoperative PT testing before elective gynecologic operations does not contribute to patient care and should be eliminated.