Engaging pregnant and parenting teens: early challenges and lessons learned from the Evaluation of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Approaches

Asheer, S.; Berger, A.; Meckstroth, A.; Kisker, E.; Keating, B.

Journal of Adolescent Health Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 54(3 Suppl): S84-S91


ISSN/ISBN: 1054-139X
PMID: 24560082
DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2013.11.019
Document Number: 377765
This article draws on data from the ongoing federal Evaluation of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Approaches to discuss the early implementation experiences of two new and innovative programs intended to delay rapid repeat pregnancy among teen mothers: (1) AIM 4 Teen Moms, in Los Angeles County, California; and (2) Teen Options to Prevent Pregnancy (T.O.P.P.), in Columbus, Ohio. Program staff report common challenges in working with teen mothers, particularly concerning recruitment and retention, staff capacity and training, barriers to participation, and participants' overarching service needs. Lessons learned in addressing these challenges provide useful guidance to program developers, providers, policy makers, and stakeholders working with similar populations.

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