Youth-led tobacco prevention: lessons learned for engaging Southeast Asian American youth

Lee, J.P.; Lipperman-Kreda, S.; Saephan, S.; Kirkpatrick, S.

Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 6(2): 187-194


ISSN/ISBN: 1557-0541
PMID: 22820228
DOI: 10.1353/cpr.2012.0022
Document Number: 276064
Southeast Asian Americans are highly at risk for tobacco use. Youth-led, environmentally focused tobacco prevention programs have been identified as highly effective in engaging youth in tobacco research and prevention, but may be challenging for the most at-risk youths. We report on lessons learned in a pilot tobacco prevention program with Southeast Asian youth in Northern California. We reviewed meeting notes, participatory research products, and a transcribed focus group with tobacco prevention project participants. Challenges to the youths' participation related to structural issues (limited time, scheduling conflicts, financial difficulties, aging out of programs) and personal issues (school and work pressure, family stressors). Coordinating with ongoing program activities and the county coalition enabled some supports as well as challenges. Key supports for youth were youth leaders, social and financial rewards, and the ability to interpret tobacco prevention information in culturally and age-relevant media.

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