Weekly cis-platinum as third line chemotherapy in advanced ovarian carcinoma. Phase Ii study
Scotto, V.; Sbiroli, C.
European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 12(1): 51-53
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-2936 PMID: 2050160 Document Number: 376847
It is difficult to find effective chemotherapy combination as third line treatment in epithelial ovarian cancer. In this paper the therapeutic response was evaluated of weekly administration of cis-platinum as third line chemotherapy, for a minimum of 6 cycles, on 8 patients, aged 41-72 years, with advanced ovarian carcinomas who had already undergone surgery and first and second line chemotherapy. All patients received from surgery and first and second line chemotherapy. 5 out of 8 patients responded to chemotherapy (PR + CR 62.5%). One had clinical and CT scan confirmed complete response lasting 12 weeks; in 2 patients partial response consisted of intestinal recanalization following sub-occlusion due to tumor relapse; one patient manifested disease progression during therapy, which was subsequently suspended after 4 cycles, whereas another patient had stable disease. As far as side effects are concerned, in one patient the cycle was postponed for grade I myelotoxicity, neurotoxicity occurred in 6 patients, grade I and II gastrointestinal toxicity occurred in all patients. Nephrotoxicity was never observed. In conclusion the cisplatinum weekly administration appears to be less toxic and more easily administered. The type of response suggests this dosage regimen (dose intensity 40/mg sqm/week) has a different mechanism of action and the total dose could have a greater tumoricidal effect.