Results of trans-sphenoidal surgery for the treatment of acromegaly
Pumar, A.; Santos, C.; García-Luna, P.P.; Acosta, D.; Pereira, J.L.; Gavilán, I.; Leal-Cerro, A.; Astorga, R.
Revista Clinica Espanola 188(2): 76-80
ISSN/ISBN: 0014-2565 PMID: 2041904 Document Number: 375969
During the past 17 years (1972-89) 55 transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) interventions were performed in our Hospital in 53 cases of acromagaly (2 cases underwent surgery twice). 22 were cured (40%); 15 partial efficacy (27%) and 18 negative efficacy (33%). Mean GH values (ngr/ml) before surgery were: Cured cases 15.8 + 12.9 (p = 0.0015). Basal GH values above 40 ngr/ml obscure the prognosis of TSS in acromegaly. Cure was perfectly achieved in smaller size hypophysis adenomas (Hardy Grade land 11 in CT scan). The complications in the early post-surgery were rare and transient. Chronic sequelae due to TSS occurred in 7 cases (13.5%), as complete or partial anterior hypophysis failure. TSS is the treatment of choice of acromegaly in our environment, however a significant number of cases do not achieve cure and need to complete treatment with hypophyseal radiotherapy.