How many hours do you have to work to be integrated? Full-time and part-time employment of native and ethnic minority women in the Netherlands
Bevelander, P.; Groeneveld, S.
International Migration 50: E117-E131
ISSN/ISBN: 0020-7985 Document Number: 365731
Labour market integration of ethnic minority women is central for economic integration, as they may experience a double disadvantage: both as a woman and as a migrant. This presumed double disadvantage has recently become the focus of both Dutch integration and emancipation policy. To test several assumptions underlying this, we analyse to what extent labour market participation of different groups of women and the hours they work are influenced by human capital and household characteristics. Our results show some remarkable differences in employment patterns. Controlling for educational level, partnership and the presence of children, it was found that native women more often work in part-time jobs than ethnic minority women. For native Dutch women, the number of children influences both the employment decision and the number of hours worked, whereas for ethnic minority women, this only effects full-time employment.