Part-time doctors: reduced working hours for primary care physicians

Wheeler, R.; Candib, L.; Martin, M.

Journal of the American Medical Women's Association 45(2): 47-54


ISSN/ISBN: 0098-8421
PMID: 2313025
Document Number: 365260
Women are entering the professional workforce in increasing numbers, and male professionals are more likely than ever to be involved in dual-career families. For primary care physicians the traditional 50-70-hour work week increasingly creates conflict between professional and other personal goals. Many believe that unless physicians work these long hours they will be unable to successfully provide personal, high-quality continuing care to their patients. Long-term career development for physicians who choose nontraditional arrangements has also presented problems. The authors review the literature on part-time work for physicians, then discuss their experiences as part-time family physicians at an academic health center. Various specific strategies are recommended for physicians and institutions considering part-time employment.

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