Short course chemotherapy for pulmonary tuberculosis in routine service in Kenya
Babu Swai, O.; Aluoch, J.A.; Githui, W.; Darbyshire, J.H.
East African Medical Journal 67(11): 748-755
ISSN/ISBN: 0012-835X PMID: 2076674 Document Number: 363738
The results are reported of the application of a short-course regimen for pulmonary tuberculosis in routine service in three districts in Kenya. All patients were treated in hospital for one month receiving Streptomycin, Isoniazid, Rifampicin and Pyrazinamide daily and followed by Rifampicin and Isoniazid daily on outpatient basis for five months. There was no failure of chemotherapy among 194 patients with pre-treatment sensitive strains at the end of chemotherapy. Six (3.9%) had a doubtful status but none relapsed during follow-up. Among 123 patients assessed after completion of follow-up only one (0.8%) relapsed and 16 of 22 patients with pretreatment resistant strains had a favourable response at the end of chemotherapy and follow-up. The therapeutic results achieved are excellent under programme conditions though of necessity with some amount of supervision that is not routinely available. Considering the advantages of short course regimens, a case for the choice of an appropriate short regimen to be used nationwide in the near future is made.