Pulmonary tuberculosis in the compromised host--report of the 30th B series of controlled trials of chemotherapy--Cooperative Study Unit of Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis of the National Sanatoria in Japan
Tubura, E.
Kekkaku 66(2): 95-99
ISSN/ISBN: 0022-9776 PMID: 2023364 Document Number: 371151
The 445 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in compromised host were investigated. Summary of the analysed results were as follows; (1) The major underlying diseases of compromised hosts with tuberculosis were diabetes mellitus and various types of cancer. (2) The major risk factors for advancement of tuberculosis were malnutrition and iatrogenic suppressions due to long term use of corticosteroids and anticancer agents. (3) The patients with malnutrition in the compromised hosts showed poor prognosis. (4) The chest roentgenogram of tuberculous lesion was difficult to improve in these patients when their clinical stage of tuberculosis had been advanced at admission. (5) The diagnosis and management of pulmonary tuberculosis in compromised host remain as a serious problem in recent years.