Our experience with spinal anesthesia in cesarean section

Mincheva-Saeva, M.; Smilov, I.; Traĭkova, V.; Mlechkova, L.; Srebreva, M.; Anastasov, D.

Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 29(1): 40-44


ISSN/ISBN: 0324-0959
PMID: 2372097
Document Number: 359300
The study included 400 women, undergone delivery by cesarean section (300 retrospectively and 100 prospectively) for a 2-year period. The influence of the spinal anaesthesia was investigated on the hemodynamics of the mother and the clinical state of the newborn (according to Apgar). The spinal anaesthesia occupies substantial place among the methods, used for anesthetization in cesarean section. The authors are of the opinion that the spinal anesthesia is quick, easy for technical performance and effective method for anaesthesia in cesarean section, accompanied by few complications and side effects.

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