Clinical studies of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia treated with blood exchange transfusion

Lo, Y.S.; Lu, C.C.; Chen, L.Y.; Tsai, L.T.

Gaoxiong Yi Xue Ke Xue Za Zhi 6(10): 556-564


ISSN/ISBN: 0257-5655
PMID: 2243373
Document Number: 357333
From April 1984 to November 1989, 194 cases of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia treated with blood exchange transfusions (BET) were studied. The patients included 127 male and 67 female neonates, with an age ranged from 13 hours to 16 days. The most common cause was idiopathic (52.6%), followed by G-6-PD deficiency (23.7%), and sepsis (12.9%). Most of the neonates received BET at the 4th day of birth (23.2%), but there were still 30 cases (15.5%) that received BET after 1 week of age. There were 17 cases (8.8%) with maximum serum bilirubin lower than 20 mg/dl before receiving BET, five of them were LBW infants; 11 cases (5.7%) were greater than 40 mg/dl. The mean of maximum serum bilirubin was 26.9 .+-. 7.96 mg.dl. Most of the cases received BET once (145 cases) or twice (33 cases). There were two cases that received up to six BET's. One was G-6-PD deficiency and one idiopathic in etiology. No significant difference of BET frequency between sex or body weight (P > 0.05) was found. Newborns with higher serum bilirubin due to G-6-PD deficiency, received more BET (p < 0.05). No significant differences of the pH value (7.33 .+-. 0.08 vs 7.35 .+-. 0.10) and bicarbonate values (21.20 .+-. 3.99 vs 22.00 .+-. 3.83 mM/L) occurred before and after blood exchange transfusion (p > 0.1). The serum calcium decreased significantly after BET (3.88 .+-. 0.91 vs 3.15 .+-. 6.97 mEq/L, p < 0.05). There were 11 deaths in this series, the mortality rate was 5.7%. Three cases (1.5%) were dead within 6 hours after BET. They were defined as procedure-related mortality. Poor clinical status and higher maximum serum bilirubin level associated significantly with mortality (p < 0.05).

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