Sanitary-hygienic characteristics of work conditions and health status of workers in nitric acid production industry
Rumiantsev, G.I.; Kozlova, T.A.; Atiakina, I.K.; Pavlova, A.P.
Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniya (3): 21-24
ISSN/ISBN: 0016-9919 PMID: 2161779 Document Number: 353144
Workers engaged in thin nitric acid manufacturing are exhibited to the combined action of both physical and chemical factors (noise, heating microclimate, nitric oxides, ammonia). Within the working hours, ECG changes and arterial blood pressure instability are displayed in operators and technicians. Influenza, acute respiratory disorders and osseo-muscular diseases present the main causes of morbidity with temporary disability. Technicians are characterized by a markedly greater morbidity rate. Ammonia and nitric oxides, as aggressive media, lead to higher rates of oral mucoid, hard dental tissues and periodontium lesions. Health-related labour conditions improvement measures are proposed.