Seroepidemiological survey for yellow fever antibodies in domestic animals

Adu, F.; Esan, J.; Baba, S.S.

Revue Roumaine de Virologie 41(3-4): 147-150


ISSN/ISBN: 1018-0532
PMID: 2099827
Document Number: 352771
A total of 192 out of 300 serum samples from camel, cattle, sheep and goats tested for yellow fever virus antibody by the counterimmunoelectrophoresis were found positive. This test was confirmed by the single radial haemolysis and serum neutralization tests. Twenty-one and 36 sera were positive for specific yellow fever virus antibodies by the single radial haemolysis and serum neutralization tests respectively. The possible role of these animals in the epidemiology of yellow fever is discussed.

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