Granular cell tumor. Immunohistochemical analysis of 21 benign tumors and one malignant tumor

Mazur, M.T.; Shultz, J.J.; Myers, J.L.

Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 114(7): 692-696


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-9985
PMID: 1694654
Document Number: 352689
We examined the immunohistochemical profile of 21 granular cell tumors (GCTs) and a single clinically malignant GCT using a panel of commercially available antibodies. All cases showed diffuse cytoplasmic and nuclear staining for S100 protein. Fourteen cases stained for myelin basic protein, Leu-7, or both. Immunostains for neurofilament protein and glial fibrillary acidic protein were negative in all cases. Stains for cathepsin B and .alpha.1-antichymotrypsin were positive in 21 and 15 cases, respectively. Cathepsin-B reactivity may reflect auto digestion of myelin, while the presence of .alpha.1-antichymotrypsin is less specific and may be related to cellular production of this product or to nonspecific uptake of .alpha.1-antichymotrypsin in serum during the formation of phagolysosomes. All tumors expressed vimentin, often in a distinctive peripheral cytoplasmic pattern. Focal desmin staining was seen in three separate specimens from the patient with the malignant GCT, but this tumor also expressed S100 protein, myelin basic protein, and Leu-7 and did not stain for muscle-specific actin. The desmin reactivity in this single case probably represents non-specific staining rather than myogenous differentiation, since the reactivity to other nerve sheath markers shows histogenetic similarity with the benign GCTs. These findings support a Schwann cell origin for nongingival GCTs and illustrate a useful panel of commercially available antibodies to diagnose these distinctive tumors.

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