Chlorpromazine and clothiapine actions at the level of the CNS and vas deferens

Pérez Raya, M.D.; Zarzuelo, A.; Duarte, J.M.; Jiménez, J.; Navarro, C.

Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae 65(8): 228-232


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-6865
PMID: 1978353
Document Number: 351181
CNS-level changes caused by chlorpromazine and clothiapine, a structural analogue, were studied with a battery of behavioral tests in rats, along with the ability of these two drugs to antagonize electrically and alpha-stimulator (phenylephrine-)induced contractions in the rat vas deferens. The findings indicated that clothiapine, while less effective as an alpha-receptor antagonist, was a much more active CNS-depressant than chlorpromazine.

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