Spectrum of pharmacological actions on brain dopamine. Indications for development of new psychoactive drugs. Discussion of amantadines as examples of new drugs with special actions on dopamine systems
Randrup, A.; Mogilnicka, E.
Polish Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy 28(6): 551-556
ISSN/ISBN: 0301-0244 PMID: 1034919 Document Number: 105123
Amantadine (D1) and 1,3-dimethyl-5-aminoadamantane (D145) as examples of new drugs with special actions on dopamine systems are discussed. D1 or D145 decreased significantly apomorphine or amphetamine-induced stereotypy in rats but in experiments with chronic pretreatment with amantadines -- potentiation of stereotypy was observed. D145 (20 mg/kg) abolished stereotypy in these conditions. In biochemical experiments D1 or D145 were neither like apomorphine nor like amphetamine. Its concluded that D1 and D145 in addition to their amine releasing properties have the ability partially to occupy the dopaminergic receptor.