Carcinosarcoma and spindle cell carcinoma of the bladder. a comparison of 2 cases with an immunohistochemical study

Lesourd, A.; Joerg, A.; Lombard, M.; Brocheriou, C.

Annales d'Urologie 24(3): 206-210


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-4401
PMID: 1694417
Document Number: 350206
These two cases of bladder tumours with an unusual histological appearance were observed at Hôpital Saint-Louis in 1988. They contained two cellular components: the usual epithelial type and a spindle cell type. Immunohistochemistry performed in order to identify the various cell contingents established the diagnoses of carcinosarcoma and spindle cell carcinoma and emphasised the differences and similarities between these two entities, which we believe can be differentiated.

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