Immunologic and pathologic manifestations of the infection of rhesus monkeys with simian immunodeficiency virus of macaques

Letvin, N.L.; King, N.W.

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 3(11): 1023-1040


ISSN/ISBN: 0894-9255
PMID: 2213505
Document Number: 349959
The striking similarities between simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-induced disease in macaque monkeys and HIV-induced disease in humans make the SIV-induced macaque monkey an extraordinarily important model for the study of AIDS. The most significant difference between these lentivirus-induced syndromes is the more rapid progression of disease in SIV-infected monkeys. The immunologic and pathologic manifestations of SIV infections in rhesus monkeys are described.

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