Adjustment for population coverage: XIV National Population Census and III Household Census, October 24, 1973

Caicedo De Cordozo, E.; Mendez Heilman, R.

Boletin mensual de estadisticas (Colombia. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadisticas) 1981(355): 1-116


ISSN/ISBN: 0010-1370
PMID: 12264467
Document Number: 342561
The National Census of Colombia took place in October 1973; it enumerated 22,915,229 inhabitants distributed in the 22 departments of the national territory, and in 3,800,000 households, each with an average of 5.8 people. These figures have been ajusted for population coverage according to a methematical model developed by DANE, and derived from a postcensal survey done in October 1974. The first pages of the document explain, with examples, the technic for adjustment. The main part of the document is made up of tables with data on the estimated and adjusted population for each of the 5 provincial departments and 22 municipalities.

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