Tubal anastomosis for reversal of sterilization with microsurgical technic in 246 women

Lu, Z.Y.

Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi 24(4): 203-205; 251


ISSN/ISBN: 0529-567X
PMID: 2620572
Document Number: 336248
Tubal anastomosis for reversal of sterilization was performed with microsurgical technique in 246 women, from January 1985 to June 1987. The operation time after tubal sterilization averaged 43.5 months. The patients (99.6%) were followed-up for 3-33 months. Intrauterine pregnancies occurred in 178 cases, the rate being 72.4%. The factors which influence success rate are the tubal length after anastomosis and the mode of original tubal ligation. Postoperative instillation of fluids into fallopian tubes should be performed early to prevent adhesions and early intercourse should also be encouraged.

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