Cochlear toxicity of streptomycin in man

Sharma, S.C.; Singhal, K.C.

Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 33(2): 89-92


ISSN/ISBN: 0019-5499
PMID: 2777365
Document Number: 335305
Thirty five patients of either sex suffering from tuberculosis were administered streptomycin 0.75 g (im daily, up to 14 yr and above 45 yr of age) of 1 g (im daily for age 15-45 yr) with other antitubercular drugs and followed for audiological status. Five patients were dropped as they developed vestibular dysfunction. Varying degree of hearing loss was detected in 4 of 10 patients in group I (below 15 yr), in 2 of 9 patients in group II (15-45 yr) and in 6 of 11 patients in group III (above 45 yr). Cochlear toxicity of streptomycin was not found to be related to dose or duration of therapy. Supportive therapy restored hearing in 2 patients of group I and 1 of group II. None of the patients in group III showed recovery. It is recommended that patients on long-term streptomycin therapy should be periodically subjected to audiometric examination to detect any hearing loss.

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