Metastasectomy for soft tissue sarcoma. Further evidence for efficacy and prognostic indicators

Jablons, D.; Steinberg, S.M.; Roth, J.; Pittaluga, S.; Rosenberg, S.A.; Pass, H.I.

Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 97(5): 695-705


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-5223
PMID: 2709861
Document Number: 334107
Between 1982 and 1987, 74 patients (46 men and 28 women) had exploration for presumed metastases from high-grade soft tissue sarcoma of the head/neck, extremity, or trunk. Ages ranged from 11 to 75 years (median 38 years). Thirty (41%) had multiple procedures for recurrences (range two to six explorations). Median postthoracotomy time for the group of patients with histologically confirmed sarcoma (n = 63) was 20.3 months. Patients rendered free of disease at initial thoracotomy had significantly longer postthoracotomy survival times (26.8 months median) than those with unresectable metastatic disease (9 months median); p2 less than 0.0001). The prognostic significance of age, sex, location of primary tumor, disease-free interval, number of nodules on preoperative computed tomograms or conventional linear tomograms, number of metastases resected, and the use of postoperative chemotherapy were analyzed. In a univariate analysis, sex, age, and location of the primary tumor did not impact significantly on survival, nor did the use of postoperative chemotherapy. Initial disease-free interval of 1 year or less was associated with a significantly shorter survival time, and patients with five nodules or fewer on preoperative computed tomography had significantly longer survival times than patients with six nodules or more. Patients with three nodules or fewer on linear tomography had a longer postthoracotomy survival time than patients with four nodules or more. In patients whose malignant disease could be completely resected, the number of nodules resected at thoracotomy did not impact on long-term survival. According to proportional-hazards modeling, disease-free interval, sex, resectability, and truncal location were found to associate with length of survival after metastasis removal. We conclude that pulmonary metastasis resection in patients with soft tissue sarcoma is associated with long-term survival, and consistent indicators can define which patients may benefit from these interventions.

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