Effects of endocrinological function of antrum on acid secretion of parietal cell in patients with duodenal ulcer

Miura, K.

Nihon Geka Gakkai Zasshi 90(6): 826-836


ISSN/ISBN: 0301-4894
PMID: 2796954
Document Number: 329091
Antral G and D cells were microscopically counted by the immunoperoxidase method in the resected stomachs of 18 patients with duodenal ulcer (DU group), 4 with recurrent duodenal ulcer after selective proximal vagotomy (SPV-REC group) and 6 with early gastric cancer in the corpus (control group). In DU and SPV-REC groups, preoperative acid secretion stimulated by the tetragastrin (Tg-MAO, Tg-PAO) was examined. In 9 patients of DU and SPV-REC groups, adrenalin stimulated acid secretion (Adr-PAO) and integrated gastrin response (Adr-PGO) were also examined. The G cell count in DU group (Tg-MAO greater than or equal to 20) and SPV-REC group were significantly more than in DU group (Tg-MAO less than 20) and control group. In DU and SPV-REC groups, a significant correlation was observed between Tg-PAO and total G cell count. In 9 DU patients, a significant correlation was observed between the total G cell count and Adr-PGO or Adr-PAO, between Adr-PGO and Adr-PAO or Tg-PAO and between Tg-PAO and Adr-PAO. The above results suggested that increase of antral G cell counts is one of the great cause of duodenal ulcer and recurrent ulcer after SPV, greatly affecting on increase of acid secretion intermediating serum gastrin. Both Tg-PAO and Adr-PAO were regarded as good index of functional G cell mass of the antrum.

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