Male infertility as a cause of familial sterility (based on data from the Office of Sterility Prevention--the District Hospital Polyclinic and Higher Medical Institute--in the city of Varna)
Markova, V.; Mutafova, E.; Feschieva, N.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 28(4): 69-72
ISSN/ISBN: 0324-0959 PMID: 2802102 Document Number: 329010
The fight against sterility in the family is of great psychosocial significance. Male infertility has not a small part of the causes for sterile marriage. 1470 sterile married couples were recorded in the dispensary system of the consulting room for the fight against sterility in the family at the district hospital in the town of Varna during the period of 1975-1986. Seminological examinations of the husband were performed three times and the final seminological diagnosis was established. The performed examinations showed clearly that almost 1/3 of men had seminological disturbances. The male infertility in sterile married couples increased on the average with 10.28% per year during the investigated period as for men with oligospermia this increase was higher (12.08%) in comparison with azoospermia (6.56%). Prognosis for advancement of disturbances in spermatogenesis was made on the basis of the collected information. The results showed a tendency to a general increase of the frequency of male infertility during the following years. An inference is made that it is necessary to improve work connected with prophylaxis, early discovery and treatment of diseases, which cause male infertility.