Ultrasonic diagnosis of aneurysms of the abdominal aorta and its state after reconstructive surgery

Kokhan, E.P.; Popandopulo, S.I.; SmirnovAS

Khirurgiia 12: 21-24


ISSN/ISBN: 0023-1207
PMID: 2696820
Document Number: 327724
The article generalizes the results of examination of 44 patients for diagnosing aneurysms of the abdominal aorta and its complications with the use of the ultrasonic method. Aneurysms were detected in 27 patients, dissecting aneurysm was found in 7 of them and rupture of the aneurysm in one patient. Operation was carried out on 16 patients, all of them were kept under dynamic observation beginning from the 3rd-5th postoperative day. Various postoperative complications were noted in 4 patient in different periods.

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