Conformational changes in the IgG molecule of lepromatous sera using laser Raman spectroscopy
Kumar, R.; Bajaj, M.M.; Swaroop, B.
Indian Journal of Leprosy 60(3): 363-373
ISSN/ISBN: 0254-9395 PMID: 3198956 Document Number: 321034
In the present work we report our studies on IgG separated from the serum of lepromatous patients and non-lepromatous leprosy cases using Laser Raman Spectroscopy. Striking spectral changes in LL cases have been observed in the following special regions: (a) the amide I and III, (b) the S-S and C-S stretching (c) the skeletal bending and (d) skeletal stretching regions. These changes indicate a decrease in the amount of beta-structure and a transition towards alpha-helical conformation.