Relationship between nutrition during lactation and maternal behaviour of rats
Franková, S.
Activitas Nervosa Superior 13(1): 1-8
ISSN/ISBN: 0001-7604 PMID: 5551100 Document Number: 32095
Newborn rats were distributed 8 to a litter and their mothers were given a diet with protein 10 and carbohydrate 71 (LPHC), protein 10 and fat 71 (LDHF) or a control diet with 25% protein. During periods of 180 sec on days 6, 8 and 10 after parturition the behaviour of the mother was assessed by the speed and type of activity involved in retrieval of young which were removed from the cage for 3 min and then placed at the side of the cage opposite to the original nest.
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