Sexually transmitted disease surveillance in a child abuse clinic

de Villiers, F.P.; Prentice, M.A.; Bergh, A.M.; Miller, S.D.

South African Medical Journal 81(2): 84-86


ISSN/ISBN: 0256-9574
PMID: 1733030
Document Number: 319710
The sexually transmitted disease surveillance system instituted at the Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) clinic of the Transvaal Memorial Institute for Child Health and Development was evaluated after 1 year. The presenting complaint of the vast majority of the 227 patients was sexual abuse. In more than half (52%), child abuse was medically proven, and it was highly suspected in another 18%. In only 6% did no abuse take place. About half the patients suffered non-penetrative sexual abuse, 40% penetrative abuse and 10% suffered non-sexual abuse. Smears for gonorrhoea were positive in 2 out of 152 patients; for Chlamydia in 1 out of 140; for Gardnerella and Trichomonas in 2 and 1 case, respectively. Syphilis serology yielded 3 positive results out of 162, and hepatitis B, 6 out of 143. No positive results were found in tests for HIV and herpes. With the exception of hepatitis B tests, all positive results occurred in children considered on clinical grounds to have medically proven or highly suspected sexual abuse. These results will allow modification of the surveillance system and testing of those children more likely to test positive, while doing fewer tests overall.

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