Paleontology of the Cuenca-Azogues-Biblian region, provinces of Canar and Azuay, Ecuador. Geology by R. A. LIDDLE

Palmer, K.V.W.

Bulls American Paleontology 26(100): 389-418


Document Number: 310066
The "arenisca de Azogues" of Wolf comprised what was later assigned by Sheppard to the Biblian sandstone and Cuenca shales. The upper part is emended by Liddle to the Rio de Azogues sandstone. More complete details and illustrations are given of the described fresh-water molluscan fauna from those sediments,-Potamolithoides biblianus Marshall and Bowles, Hemisinus (Sheppardi-concha) biblianus M. and B., Ecuadorea bibliana M. and B., and Pomacea bibliana M. and B. New species and new variety described are: Neritina pacchiana* (p.40), Hemisinus peyeri dickersoni* (p.42), Diplodon liddlei* (p.48)? Monocondylaea azoguensis* (p.49) ? M. pacchiana, Anodon-tites olssoni* (p.50), Corbicula (Cyanocyclas) cojitam-boensis* (p.52) and C. (C.) pacchiana* (p.51). Hemisinus veyeri dickersoni shows a relationship with H. peyeri from Iquitos, Peru, same age as the well-known Pebas beds. The hinge of Castalioides laddi Marshall, fossil from Venezuela, is illustrated for the first time, as well as, the hinge of Ecuadorea. The presence of Corbicula {Cyanocyclas) and Neritina suggests a brackish-water element. A cycloid fish scale is illustrated. The age of the deposits is given as Miocene? Bibliography.

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