Report of a workshop on ensuring sustainable access to safe blood in developing countries: International Blood Safety Forum, March 24, 2017

Katz, L.M.; Donnelly, J.J.; Gresens, C.J.; Holmberg, J.A.; MacPherson, J.; Zacharias, P.J.K.; Stanley, J.; Bales, C.

Transfusion 58(5): 1299-1306


ISSN/ISBN: 0041-1132
PMID: 29542121
DOI: 10.1111/trf.14591
Document Number: 306361
On March 24, 2017, more than 90 experts in blood safety and international development from blood centers, industry, government, and international and nongovernmental organizations gathered in Arlington, Virginia, for the Third International Blood Safety Forum, cosponsored by America's Blood Centers and Global Healing. This report summarizes presentations and major conclusions. The meeting explored ways to increase access to affordable, safe blood for low- and lower-middle-income countries (LMICs) in an era when funding from the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Global Fund has been redirected from preventing the spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to diagnosing and treating the 25 million-plus people living with HIV in LMICs. More effective management systems must be developed to improve cost recovery for blood. While blood systems become more sustainable, continued investment is required to keep them operating. The traditional model of large grants from bilateral and multilateral donors will need to be supplemented (or replaced) with public-private partnerships and nongovernmental investment. A continued emphasis on quality is fundamental. Blood systems must build quality programs, based on accepted standards, including hospitals, clinics, and rural health care providers to ensure proper and safe use of blood. Proposals to resolve health care inequities between LMICs and high-income countries (HICs) must include helping LMICs to define sustainable national policies and practices for blood availability and utilization to suit local contexts. The blood safety lexicon should be revised to include availability, accessibility, and affordability of safe blood and blood products as the goal of all blood safety initiatives.

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