Radiotherapy combined with BRM (biological response modifiers) in the treatment of cancer

Okawa, T.; Goto, M.; Kita, M.

Gan no Rinsho. Japan Journal of Cancer Clinics 33(10): 1253-1256


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-4949
PMID: 3499528
Document Number: 298453
The latest treatment of biological response modifiers (BRM) with or without another cancer treatment modalities has been increased. In this paper, radiotherapy combined with some BRM, which were used in systemic administration and intra-arterial infusion, was demonstrated. 1) In experimental study, radiation and IL-2 indicated the synergic effects on the tumor growth inhibition. 2) Radiotherapy and IFN-beta for advanced head and neck and pelvic tumor were successful in tumor effects and tolerable in side effects. 3) The clinical trial showed that pathological effects and clinical tumor response (CR rate) of radiation and LC9018 for cervical cancer stage IIb, III were significantly better than those of radiotherapy alone. These data suggested that the treatment of radiation and BRM was useful and should be considered in multimodal therapy for cancer.

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