Anti-ulcer and membrane stabilizing actions of zinc acexamate

Pfeiffer, C.J.; Bulbena, O.; Esplugues, J.V.; Escolar, G.; Navarro, C.; Esplugues, J.

Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie 285(1): 148-157


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-9780
PMID: 3579422
Document Number: 292138
The effects of zinc acexamate on stress and reserpine ulcers as well as on gastric mast cells degranulation and membrane stability were evaluated in the rat. Zinc acexamate (100 mg/kg) has demonstrated an inhibitory effect on cold-restraint stress and reserpine-induced ulcer in a dose-dependent manner. Pretreatment of rats, prior to cold restraint stress, reduced gastric mast cell degranulation. Zinc acexamate (10(-4) M) inhibits Triton X-100 release of beta-glucuronidase in isolated hepatic lysosomes. These observations suggest that ulcer protective actions of zinc acexamate may be exerted in part through enhancing gastric mucosal resistance by stabilizing biological membrane integrity.

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