Effect of weightlessness on the indices of brain development (the results of pregnant rats being on the Kosmos-1514 biosatellite and research on the subsequent development of their progeny on Earth)

Olenev, S.N.; Danilov, A.R.; Kriuchkova, T.A.; Sorokina, L.M.; Krasnov, I.B.

Arkhiv Anatomii Gistologii i Embriologii 93(9): 20-26


ISSN/ISBN: 0004-1947
PMID: 3426406
Document Number: 290096
Beginning from the 13th day of pregnancy the rats were under conditions of weightlessness of spaceflight for 6 days. After landing in 18-day-old fetuses the state of their brain development is investigated comparing to that in control animals, that are on the Earth. As demonstrates analysis of a number of morphological processes: reproduction, migration, neuronal differentiation, growth of processes, establishment of nervous connections, neuroglial interconnections and vascularization--all they under conditions of weightlessness develop rather fully. Certain deviations in vascularization (as examples the medulla oblongata and the striated tuber are taken) are observed--the amount of vessels is greater and they are thinner--and changes in migration rate of cells is demonstrated by the example of the cortical plate formation. These changes are quickly levelled during their subsequent development on the Earth.

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