The association and implications of anxiety and depression in university medical and paramedical students in Kenya

Ndetei, D.M.

East African Medical Journal 64(3): 214-226


ISSN/ISBN: 0012-835X
PMID: 3311703
Document Number: 288143
233 medical students, 39 Advanced Nursing Students, and 32 Registered Nurse Students were studied for various symptoms of anxiety and depression, regardless of whether the symptoms were of clinical or subclinical level. It was found that 43% of the students felt a need to seek help for their symptoms although only 14.3% had actually sought help. The female students had more severe depression symptoms than the male students. There was a significant correlation between individual symptoms of anxiety and individual symptoms of depression in over 50% of all the pairs of individual symptoms that achieved significant correlations. These corelations, and other findings on the various symptoms of anxiety and depression, their clinical significance and service oriented significance are discussed. In order to put the findings of this study in perspective in relation to theoretical considerations of the relationship between anxiety and depression extensive literature review has been carried out.

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