A study in sexual health applying the principles of community-based participatory research
Reece, M.; Dodge, B.
Archives of Sexual Behavior 33(3): 235-247
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-0002 PMID: 15129042 DOI: 10.1023/b:aseb.0000026623.69017.dfDocument Number: 287969
The principles of community-based participatory research were applied to an exploratory sexual health study that examined "cruising for sex" among men on a college campus. In the context of a study seeking a broad interpretation of the health implications of cruising, and when faced with methodological challenges, the researchers found these principles to provide invaluable guidance. A review of the research process is offered and the manner in which the principles of community-based participatory research were operationalized for this study is described.
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