Recommendations for the further implementation of the World Population Plan of Action [WPPA

Asian-Pacific Population Programme News 13(2): 22-24


ISSN/ISBN: 0125-6718
PMID: 12313215
Document Number: 285466
This article presents a representative cross-section of the 85 draft recommendations for specific action by world governments and the international community flowing from the World Population Plan of Action. These recommendations will be a focus of deliberations at the International Conference on Population. The 17 recommendations summarized in this article are thoe most relevant to the population situation in Asia and the Pacific. The recommendations are intended to operationalize the Plan of Action and address specific issues that have acquired special significance either because of their increased relevance for the next decade or insufficient attention in the past decade. Overall, the document presents the position that national and internation policies must aim to redirect a larger share of the world's resources to the very poor if desired fertility and mortality levels are to be achieved. An integrated approach, based on understanding of the interreelationships between population, resources, environment, and ddevelopment, is urged. In addition, population and development policies shoud be mutually reinforcing, with particular attention to the family and community levels. Specific areas in which educational attainment of women, control of infectious and contagious diseases, and family planning.

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