Five point family welfare programme strategy: experience of Pratapgarh District

Varshney, K.B.

Popcen News Letter. Population Centre 5(1): 10-11


PMID: 12157737
Document Number: 284258
In the Pratapgarh district of India, 98.1% of the population lives in rural areas. On the basis of sociologic and demographic factors, the district is considered to be a backward area. Family planning efforts in the district met with little success prior to 1978, when a program for intensification and enhancement of these efforts was initiated. This program has accomplished marked improvement, so that the district now ranks 8th among all State districts in the number of sterilizations performed and 9th in the number of IUDs distributed. The points leading to this improvement included the use of supervisory personnel for on-site review of the performance of field workers; increase in proomotional activities; supplementation of hospital services with a mobile team to perform tubectomies and IUD insertions; a schedule of aftercare and follow up for those served by the mobile team; and the use of incentive awards for service units participating in different aspects of the program.

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