Ethnic minority unemployment and local labour market conditions in Great Britain
Fieldhouse, E.A.; Gould, M.I.
Environment and Planning a 30(5): 833-853
ISSN/ISBN: 0308-518X PMID: 12293873 DOI: 10.1068/a300833Document Number: 282284
"The authors use the 2% Individual Sample of Anonymised Records (SAR) in conjunction with area-based census data for pseudo travel-to-work areas, to explore the relative importance of individual characteristics and area characteristics on ethnic minority unemployment rates [in Great Britain].... The most important differences in the propensity to unemployment are shown to be between individuals, and, compared with whites, ethnic minority groups are shown to be disadvantaged wherever they live.... In all, it is argued that at the spatial scale which is identifiable in the Individual SAR, ethnic minority unemployment cannot be attributed to geographical distribution, though data at a finer geographical scale are needed to test this hypothesis more fully."