A study of the correlation between levels of serum minerals and the physical growth of school-age children on the off-shore Island of Penghu
Chiou, C.J.; Ko, Y.C.; Lin, S.M.
Gaoxiong Yi Xue Ke Xue Za Zhi 2(11): 664-668
ISSN/ISBN: 0257-5655 PMID: 3482683 Document Number: 281541
An analysis was made of the relationship between serum mineral levels and the physical growth index of a group of school-age childre. The levels of serum minerals zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium were determined. Anthropometric measurement were taken involving weight, height, arm circumference, and triceps skinfold. The sample consisted of 98 children ranging in age from 6-14 yrs at Chi-Pei and Niao-Yi villages located on the off-shore Island of Penghu. The results are shown as follows: 1. In general, the mean levels of serum minerals were in the normal range except the calcium level which was lower than normal. 2. Physical growth indices excluding age were partially correlated to the serum mineral levels found in the children studied. The results indicated that a positive correlation occurred between Zn, Zn/Mg and upper arm muscle area, and a negative correlation occurred between Zn and triceps skinfold with the upper arm fat area occur correlations shown were between Mg and body weight with growth index, and Zn/Mg and triceps skinfold.