Changes in urinary C-reactive protein in urinary tract infections. Preliminary observations

Voghenzi, A.; Camerini, G.; Mari, R.

Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 62(8): 925-930


ISSN/ISBN: 0037-8771
PMID: 3790338
Document Number: 279518
Urinary CRP was measured in 10 subjects with upper urinary tract infection, in 12 subjects with lower urinary tract infection and in a control group of 12 subjects to verify whether there was an increase in the urinary tract infections and whether there was any difference between upper and lower tract infections. The urines were concentrated 75 times and the CRP was measured by laser nephelometry. The results obtained are not homogenous enough to draw any significant conclusion. There is no correlation between the values of urinary CRP and the course of the urinary tract infections.

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