Influence of dietary retinyl acetate on normal rat mammary gland development and on the enhancement of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced rat mammary tumorigenesis by high levels of dietary fat
Aylsworth, C.F.; Cullum, M.E.; Zile, M.H.; Welsch, C.W.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 76(2): 339-345
ISSN/ISBN: 0027-8874 PMID: 3080638 Document Number: 278001
The effect of high levels of dietary fat and retinyl acetate (ROA) on 7,12-dimethylbenz; and (D) HF + ROA. HF diets significantly increased mammary tumor multiplicity, with or without ROA, but did not significantly influence mammary tumor growth, ROA treatment reduced mammary tumor multiplicity regardless of the level of dietary fat and inhibited mammary tumor growth in the presence of normal levels of dietary fat. High levels of dietary fat did not significantly influence normal mammary gland growth and development. ROA significantly decreased normal mammary gland growth and development regardless of the level of dietary fat. Blood retinoids in rats fed ROA were primarily in the form of retinyl esters, i.e., retinyl linoleate, retinyl palmitate-oleate, and retinyl stearate. Free retinol levels in blood were not significantly influenced by ROA feeding. Blood retinyl ester levels were lower in rats fed the HF + ROA diet as compared to rats fed the CF + ROA diet.