Client communication behaviors with health care providers in Indonesia

Kim, Y.M.; Kols, A.; Bonnin, C.; Richardson, P.; Roter, D.

Patient Education and Counseling 45(1): 59-68


ISSN/ISBN: 0738-3991
PMID: 11602369
DOI: 10.1016/s0738-3991(01)00144-6
Document Number: 276017
Patient participation in health care consultations can improve the quality of decision making and increase patients' commitment to the treatment plan. This study examines client participation, operationally defined as client active communication, during family planning consultations in Indonesia. Data were collected on 1203 consultations in the provinces of East Java and Lampung. Sessions were audiotaped and the conversation coded using an adaptation of the roter interaction analysis system (RIAS). Culturally acceptable ways for Indonesian clients to participate in consultations include asking questions, requesting clarification, stating opinions, and expressing concerns. Factors significantly associated with client active communication were, in order of importance, providers' information giving, providers' facilitative communication, providers' expressions of negative emotion, client educational level, and province. The latter suggests the influence of culture on client participation. The results suggest that a combination of provider training and client education on key communication skills could increase client participation in health care consultations.

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