Non-surgical female sterilization using quinacrine: efficacy of two insertions of quinacrine pellets

Trujillo, V.; Zipper, J.; Viel, B.; Rivera, M.

Revue Francaise de Gynecologie et d'Obstetrique 88(3): 147-150


ISSN/ISBN: 0035-290X
PMID: 8493443
Document Number: 273660
A group of 147 women participated in a study of outpatient tubal occlusion with quinacrine pellets at a hospital in Santiago, Chile. Six pellets, each containing 36 mg of quinacrine, were inserted transcervically into the uterus by means of a plastic tube in a procedure resembling IUD insertion. The women also received 50 mg of intrauterine diclofenac and 150 mg of intramuscular diclofenac. The initial procedure was carried out within the first postmenstrual cycle week, and was repeated at the same cycle phase on month later. No procedures were done within 42 postpartum days. The study women were 34.9 years old an average and had an average of 4.9 living children. Of the 159 patients who completed the two scheduled insertions, 140 were followed for 27 months and the other 19 were lost to follow-up. Three women became pregnant within two years. The Pearl index was 1.63 for 2198 woman-months. The percentages of pregnancies were 0.62 for the first year and 1.25 for the second year. None of the pregnancies was ectopic. One pregnancy was terminated by a medical abortion, and the patient was surgically sterilized. No abnormality was observed during laparotomy. The other two pregnancies terminated in normal delivery of healthy infants. Twenty women had adverse reactions during the 24 months of observation, but most were minor. No hospitalization or additional surgical procedures were required. Three women had post-insertion metrorrhagia, which lasted a maximum of two days.

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