Transovarial transmission of Tahyna virus by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes (strain Bangkok)

Labuda, M.; Kozuch, O.

Acta Virologica 30(2): 171


ISSN/ISBN: 0001-723X
PMID: 2873736
Document Number: 271144
In laboratory studies, a transmission rate of 12.5% and an infection rate of 17.8% was observed in 64 females of Aedes aegypti strain Bangkok which were allowed to feed on mice infected with Tahyna virus. The 10 infectious culicids laid a total of 1109 eggs between the 2nd and 4th gonotrophic cycles. The potential transfer of virus by females of the F1 generation to newborn mice was investigated using 145 females descended from 8 of the infectious females in 300 transmission trials. All attempts to transfer the virus or to detect it in the females were negative. The results indicated that the ability of the Bangkok strain to transmit the virus by a transovarial route were limited.

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